What would you use $1,000 for? #SummerSavingsStreak

Join our 12-week Summer Saving Streak! It’s easy and we’re here to help you save $1,000! Each week, starting on June 8, you’ll save a specific amount of money. By following each step of the plan over the summer, you’ll wind up with $1,000 saved at the end of August. Use it for back-to-school shopping, put it in your emergency fund, or use it for a something big – the goal is up to you.
Just follow these 4 steps to get started:
1. Set a goal!
What will you use your $1,000 for at the end of the summer? Print a photo of your dream or write it on a sticky note so you’ll be reminded of your purpose!
2. Download the FREE printable checklist.
Use this handy sheet to help you remember how much to save each week. Put a giant check mark in the box when you’ve saved!
3. Decide where you’ll save your money.
Plan to put your savings in a safe spot. We can help you open a new account at Today’s Bank!
4. SAVE!
Every Monday, put the designated amount of money in your safe spot or Today’s Bank account.
To help you stay motivated to save, follow us on Instagram where we will share savings tips and weekly reminders.
With a little planning and determination, you can save $1,000 in 12 weeks over the summer with Today’s Bank.